Friday, November 2, 2007

Playing with podcasts
I'm trying my luck at including a library related podcast - we'll know real soon if it will link for me - Have a good day - Pat

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

Quest 12

The advertisement was great! I thought it was a wonderful way to end the Trek. There is nothing wrong with advertisement as long as it's done in good taste. It is the same as the big Antonio Banderas poster we have hanging on the wall that encourages reading - guess I like a room with a view. It looks like we're coming to end - looking forward to the next generation!

News at 11

I was so happy to see my blog fly from Zoho to Blogger. That little square was supposed to be changing the background color to a pale yellow. Guess you just have to use your imagination until I figure out how to make that work. oh well - Pat's Learning! On the Quest 12

Quest 11

Hi - I'm playing with Zoho Writer. Let's see if I can get this document to my blog page. First l'll try to dress it upcool (isn't he cool!) I can make a rainbow !!

If you are reading this - I did it! Yeah!

Quest 9 What a wiki

The wiki quest left me laughing.

I love wiki's - they offer a wealth of information and are a great way to brain storm. Some wiki's offer "cite the source" so by checking those sources - you can find out if the information is reliable or not. If nothing else - they sure give you food for thought.
Check out the Bull Run Library wiki - The link to the ultimate definition of a librarian. That left me laughing out loud - It makes you want to visit that library if you get the chance. It must really be a great place to work. Maybe, it would be a good thing to add a little humor to our web site so we can leave people with a smile on their face.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Quest 8

The Trek to social networking was really helpful. MySpace is popular in McClellanville. I added one of my Flickr photos to my profile. I used MySpace this summer to keep in touch with our teens. They loved the connection. I enjoyed the blogs on Safety Tips Online, Safety Tips for Teens and Tweens, Building a Social Networking Environment at the Library and Libraries Use MySpace to Attract Teens. They were all good. My favorite tip was "You can't take it back". Once you post information on line, you can't take it back. Even if you delete the information, someone, somewhere, may have an older computer where the information is stored. We do need to be careful what we put on "The World's Biggest Billboard". No Regrets.
I'm waiting for Tech Trek 2.0 to accept me as a friend. Have a good day!

- I'm off to the Wonderful World of Wiki's.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Adding Photos

I'm smiling now! It took me a while to figure out how to get my photo to my blog - "Finally - I mastered it in a big way - hmmm!
I tried the short cuts from Blogger and also Flickr - they wouldn't work for me. Flickr's first option - copy and paste - did the trick!
Trekin on! Have a good day - Pat

Did this in Flickr


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Quest 4 Whine and Roses


Quest 4 has taken us on a discovery of RSS feeds and adding the feeds we choose to Bloglines. Bloglines is like a pantry to store all of those fun newsfeeds in. All of your feeds are in one place and it makes it easy to find. Part of Discovery exercise was to add at least 10 newsfeeds to our reader after we created an account in Bloglines. Adding the feeds was the fun part - I added 14 feeds - I choose Library related feeds for the purpose of training but later on I may add feeds just for my own interest, like gardening or recipes.

I added Tech Trek and Branches on a Blog to my feeds. Then, decided to add my own blog - (that was a challenge). I had a hard time getting my blog to go public so it could be added in bloglines. I checked my blog settings and everything looked o.k , tried resetting it twice, and still couldn't find my blog on the web.

I emailed Jim and Susan and whined a little- I thought for sure they knew something that I didn't. Closing time rolled around and I went home. After a great cup of She Crab soup from the local diner, I checked the web for my blog - there it was - Yeah! Guess I just needed to be patience and wait for it to do it's stuff.

Time to fill the tub with Rose water and soak awhile-

My day of Whine and Roses has come to an end-

My URl address to my public Bloglines account is:

I found the spell check!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Instant Messenger

Today I set up Instant Messenger and had a good time playing. Susan Bednar, Melisssa Christakos and Main's CCPL's Ask a Librarian have been added to my Buddy List. Susan and Ask a Librarian were on line. Michael answered CCPLhelp. I was really surprised to see how fast the response time was. It will be a pleasure to recommend "Ask a Librarian" to our patrons. I know the request they are looking for will be acknowledged right away. CCPL's IM Reference is truly a great service to our patrons. I enjoyed using instant messenger. The only improvement I would make is the addition of a spell check so I wouldn't make so many "oops". I sent Susan some word that Webster never heard of - oh well - we're all entitled to a "oops" or two.

It was a fun day -
Movin' on to Quest 4
- Pat

Monday, August 13, 2007

7 1/2 Life Long Learning Habits

Of the 7 1/2 Life Long Learning Habits , the easiest habit for me is to accept responsibity for my own learning. I like to jump into uncharted water and just give it a go.

The hardest habit for me is setting goals. For some reason, I view goal setting as a waste a of time. As a self starter, I would rather just jump in, sink or swim, and not give up until I master it. It's too easy to give yourself unrealistic goals and find yourself feeling poorly about not meeting a deadline or not striving hard enough because to goal was so vague.

This is a test of TechTrek 2.0

I hope I'm coming through

- Thanks and have a good day